I am delighted to see this vibrant website of the Diabetes in Asia Study Group (DASG). The DASG was formed by a group of likeminded scientists & diabetologists from different countries in Asia, whose main intention was to promote scientific research and collaboration on diabetes in the Asia region. My thoughts go back to Prof. Samad Shera, who played a big role in starting the DASG along with Dr. Arun Baksi and others. This website has come out really well and I would like to congratulate all those responsible for creating it. As the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Diabetology (the official journal of the DASG) I would like to take this opportunity to invite diabetologists and others specialized in the Asia region (and from elsewhere) to submit their articles (original articles, review articles, commentaries, case reports) to DASG. The journal is steadily growing in stature and I would like to seek your cooperation and support to take it to even greater heights.
I am pleased to see this exciting website of the Diabetes in Asia Study Group (DASG). Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about THRIVE’s services and to browse information based on their own choice. The new website gives better access to Who We Are, How We Work, Case Studies, Expertise & Services, Our People and a forthcoming Knowledge Center. Living with diabetes is undoubtedly daunting. Every day is a new challenge. Diabetes does not mean the end of happiness, yes, but the key is to be smart by adapting to a new lifestyle with patience. I would also like to thank Ashraf and the entire team for their time and energy to make this site what it is.