Diabetes in Asia Study Group is a non - profit organization, formed in a meeting held in Cape town, aimed to create awareness , to promote and encourage researches in characterization of Diabetes with in regions. Individuals with in the field of research, diabetes care and advocacy will be eligible for membership. Explore the site and direct us to improve the quality of both the design and layout of the site as well as the activities of this group.
A meeting was held in Cape Town on 2/12/2006, to establish Diabetes in Asia Study Group, to promote awareness of diabetes, to encourage research in the characterization of diabetes within the regions, to promote exchange of opinions, and foster advocacy. This group is a continuation of the Diabetes in Asia Conferences, a movement that was started in 1999.
Diabetes in Asia Study Group is a non - profit organization, formed in a meeting held in Cape town, aimed to create awareness , to promote and encourage researches in characterization of Diabetes with in regions
In 2025, the International Diabetes Federation will host its World Diabetes Congress in Bangkok, Thailand, from April 7 to 10. It will be my immense pleasure to welcome you there as President of th... Read more...
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Journal of Diabetology (JOD) is the official journal of Diabetes in Asia Study Group (DASG). It was started by DASG in 2010 as a peer-reviewed journal with 3 issues published annually. To improve its visibility and ease of access, an online platform was created exclusively for the journal (http://www.journalofdiabetology.org )in December 2016 and all the issues published till then were archived in the online portal. From January 2017, all the issues of the journal are being published online on its website. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository.
The journal has wide readership by clinicians, researchers and other allied health professionals in the field of diabetes and its viewership has increased tremendously in the past two years. More than 98000 users from ten different countries have visited the website so far. Owing to its increasing popularity and the huge number of manuscripts being received, the number of issues published per year has been increased to 4 from 2021.
JOD is now an online free quarterly journal published by Medknow, a part of Wolters Kluwer Health.The current issue and all the archived issues can be accessed in the JOD website http://www.journalofdiabetology.org
I am delighted to see this vibrant website of the Diabetes in Asia Study Group (DASG). The DASG was formed by a group of likeminded scientists & diabetologists from different countries in Asia,
I am pleased to see this exciting website of the Diabetes in Asia Study Group (DASG). Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about THRIVE’s services and to browse information based on their own choice.
The IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th edition 2021 provides the latest figures, information, and projections on diabetes worldwide.
Diabetes around the world in 2021
Africa – 24 million Europe – 61 million Middle East and North Africa – 73 million North America and Caribbean – 51 million South East Asia – 32 million South and Central America – 32 Million Western Pacific – 206 Million 537 million adults (20-79 years) are living with diabetes - 1 in 10. This number is predicted to rise to 643 million by 2030 and 784 million by 2045. Over 4 in 5 (81%) adults with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries. Diabetes is responsible for 6.7 million deaths in 2021 - 1 every 5 seconds. Diabetes caused at least USD 966 billion dollars in health expenditure – a 316% increase over the last 15 years. 541 million adults have Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT), which places them at high risk of type 2 diabetes..
Key global findings 2021 Data from the IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th edition reports a continued global increase in diabetes prevalence, confirming diabetes as a significant global challenge to the health and well-being of individuals, families and societies.
Download the IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th Edition 2021 and other resources at www.diabetesatlas.org.
A meeting was held in Cape Town on 2/12/2006, to establish Diabetes in Asia Study Group, to promote awareness of diabetes, to encourage research in the characterization of diabetes within the regions, to promote exchange of opinions, and foster advocacy. The group was a continuation of the Diabetes in Asia Conferences, a movement which was started in 1999.